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Welcome to My Photography Gallery!

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Enjoy your journey through my galleries of wildlife photography!

"I have incredible moments of clarity, awe and inspiration when outside with my camera, experiencing the natural world around me. I hope my photography can bring some of those feelings to you!"

"I have arranged the galleries in alphabetical order to make looking through a bit easier!

"Every time I complete a photography trip, or return home after a day by the river or in the mountains with camera in hand, I know I have followed my heart."

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Trusted Art Seller

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To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!

Newsletter Sign-Up


Thanks for signing up for my newsletter/blog. It features stories from my adventures, facts about wildlife, and lot's of beautiful images from my wildlife photography! You will only get 1-2 emails per month, I hope you enjoy them!


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Enjoy! I hope to hear from you soon! 